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Straight Smile Centre | Lucy shares her brand-new smile thanks to Invisalign.

Nov 26, 2019 | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Would you like to feel more confident about your smile?  Lucy was concerned about the appearance and health impact of an overbite and some crowding of her teeth, so she turned to Straight Smile Centre.

Under the care of Dr Grant Duncan and his team, Lucy underwent a six-month Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign is a clear, comfortable and almost invisible alternative to braces, suitable for most people who want to straighten their smile.

Made from medical grade and BPA-free clear thermoplastic, Invisalign is placed over the teeth like a thin sports mouthguard and changed every five to seven days, gradually moving the teeth from crooked to straight.  The Invisalign aligners are mailed to you throughout the treatment.

After having photos, an x-ray and a scan at Straight Smile Centre, Lucy was then able to have her progress monitored remotely by using a simple app.  

“The remote monitoring app was amazing for a few reasons. I could monitor my progress and see my smile improving in real-time, which kept me motivated. I barely had to step foot into the Straight Smile practice … as a time-poor person, this meant a limited impact on my work and family time.”

Lucy found that using Invisalign is a real commitment.  The initial sensation took some time to adjust to, although after fortnight it felt normal.  Aligners are removed for eating and drinking; Lucy decided to enjoy less of her favourite hot drinks over winter to save on having to take her aligners out.

Despite these minor inconveniences, Lucy feels that Invisalign is absolutely worth it.

“My smile is my favourite feature and now I do feel really confident to show it off.  I’m also mesmerized that I could complete such a significant orthodontic treatment in so little time, and it had such little impact on my life.”

Would you like to feel more confident about your own smile?  You can book a free appointment at one of Straight Smile Centre’s eight locations today to see if Invisalign is right for you.

Visit the Straight Smile Centre online here, or check out them out on Facebook and Instagram.

The information contained in this video and article is sponsored content for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice for any specific medical condition you may have.  Please be sure to always read the label to make sure you are using products correctly.

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