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SILK Laser Clinics | Epidermal Levelling.

Nov 11, 2019 | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Wendy had been keen to try Epidermal Levelling at SILK Laser Clinics for some time before she finally made an appointment and boy, was she glad when she did. 

“The overall experience was really fun. I enjoyed every minute,” she said. 

After being greeted by the inviting and friendly staff at the Tea Tree Plaza SA clinic, Wendy and her technician sat down to discuss any concerns and questions she had prior to her treatment. 

“I was feeling quite anxious before my visit, not knowing what to expect.

I had wanted to try the Epidermal Levelling treatment for some time and was excited.”  

The technician told Wendy what to expect during the treatment as well as how to care for her skin in the days afterwards. 

“I had complete trust in them with my skin,” said Wendy.  

It’s a safe, painless and highly effective treatment that gently and evenly exfoliates the hair and superficial dead skin cells on the surface of the skin that can trap in dirt and oils. 

The treatment involves using a surgical blade specifically designed to safely glide against the skin to resurface and in turn brighten the face. 

Wendy was surprised at how quickly she noticed a difference – not just to her skin but to her overall wellbeing. 

“Afterwards, I felt relaxed and was really pleased with the treatment results and my experience at SILK Laser Clinics.”

Prior to the appointment, Wendy’s skin was quite ‘fluffy’ with lots of fine hair which had annoyed her for a very long time. 

However, the treatment solved this issue for her almost instantly. 

“Immediately after my skin felt super clean, soft and fresh,” she said.  

Wendy particularly liked the SILK Hyaluronic Serum that was applied after her treatment. 

“It was so hydrating – it felt lovely.

My skin now has a nice smooth appearance and products seem to be absorbed more quickly and my make-up sits better too.” she said. 

Overall Wendy’s skin feels softer and has a visibly smoother appearance and there is none of that fine hair that would always be so obvious in the light. 

Wendy absolutely loved the Epidermal Levelling treatment at SILK Laser Clinics and will be enjoying this treatment again. 

She’s even recommended it to her ‘work wives’ so if you are interested in treating yourself to Epidermal Levelling at SILK Laser Clinics, you’d better hurry before they’re all booked up! 

Find out more about Epidermal Levelling HERE.

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