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OTR | Bring your own reusable coffee cup to save the environment and help local charities.

Dec 26, 2018 | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes


You may have heard the news, that your favourite reusable cup can be filled by your local barista at any one of the 120 OTR stores that serves locally roasted C Coffee.  Which is good for you and good for the environment.

While you’re at OTR grabbing your C Coffee, filling the car or getting things done on the run, be sure to scan the OTR app and select a community cause on OTRGive.

OTRGive helps raise significant donations for South Australian community groups, without costing you a cent!

 That means, while you’re using your reusable cup to minimise waste, you can opt to help other environmental warriors like Zoos SA and Trees for Life in doing their bit too.

Zoos SA is a conservation charity that exists to connect people with nature and support wildlife habitats, so a donation through OTRGive will assist in saving species from extinction.

 Supporting Trees for Life when ordering your C Coffee, will help raise funds to protect our state’s vulnerable native plants and animals, through revegetation and new plantings.

 So next time you’re after a caffeine fix or a fabulous hot chocolate, bring back your reusable cup to OTR and grab your C Coffee with the OTR app so you can support OTRGive’s community partners too.

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